Monday, May 10, 2010

United Way Ghana Launch new website

United way Ghana (UWG) has launched a website to promote its business online. The website, is adequately stuffed with first hand information about the organization as well as information about its operations readily available with just a click.

United Way Ghana (UWG) is a not-for-profit agency that collaborates with corporate and charitable institutions to support the sustainable development of communities in the areas of health, education, and income generation.
The organisation was established in November 2003 by a group of dedicated corporate and community leaders in Ghana and has been successful in establishing a network of corporate institutions that support community investment projects and provide a platform from which communities can mobilize resources, strengthen their foundations, and continue on the road to self-sufficiency.

The organisation has a unique vision to create stronger, healthier, educated, and self-sustaining communities in Ghana. It brings together businesses, labour, non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and where appropriate, government, to foster a culture of corporate social responsibility, local philanthropy, and local volunteerism. UWW provides an efficient mechanism generating new and needed funds for screened NGOs.

United Way Ghana is a member of United Way Worldwide. A global network that shares links with more than 4,500 United Way and Community Chest Organizations in 47 countries and territories